Application for FADN data provider
Data in thematic breakdown
Growing plants
Livestock breeding
Fish farming
Food economy
Data by systems
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Weekly/monthly price and quantity of more important products
Average producer price of raw milk 2004
Average producer price of raw milk, monthly
CEREALS- Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin
CEREALS- Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin, monthly
CEREALS-Sale prices of cereals 2004
CEREALS-Sale prices of cereals, monthly
Eggs prices at packaging stations 2004
Eggs prices at packaging stations, monthly
Export price of milk products, monthly
Export price of milk products, 2004
Export price of milk 2004
Export price of milk, monthly
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi sreet in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
MEAT-Processors sale prices of carcass meat and meat products, 2004
MEAT-Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products
MEAT-Producer pirces of live lambs
MEAT-Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight
MEAT-Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight
MEAT-Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight 2004
MEAT-Producer price of slaughter pig in warm carcass weight 2004
MEAT-Producer price of slaughter pigs in warm carcass weight
MEAT-Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight
MEAT-Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight 2004
MEAT-Producer prices of live sheep 2004
MEATProducer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight 2004
Milk- Processors sales prices of milk products
Processor sale prices of poultry meat 2004
Processor sale prices of poultry meat, monthly
Processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region-monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk 2004
Producer basic price of raw milk, monthly
Producer price of sunflower seed 2004
Producer price of sunflower seed, monthly
Producer prices of slaughter poultry 2004
Producer prices of slaughter poultry, monthly
Sale price of milk products, monthly
Sale price of milk 2004
Sale price of milk, monthly
Sale prices of feeding stuff 2004
Sale prices of feeding stuff, monthly
Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats 2004
Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats, monthly
Yearly processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region
CEREAL-Consumer prices of the bread in 2005
CEREALS- Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin, monthly
CEREALS- Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin
CEREALS- Sale prices of cereals 2005
CEREALS- Sale prices of cereals, monthly
CEREALS- Yearly-consumer prices of mill products (HUF / kg) in 2005
CEREALS-Consumer prices of mill products, monthly
CEREALS-Consumer prices of the bread monthly
EGGS prices at packaging stations 2005
EGGS prices at packaging stations , monthly
FRUIT -Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUIT and VEGETABLE: Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels, monthly
FRUIT and VEGETABLE: Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels, yearly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi sreet in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
FRUITS-Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels- monthly
MEAT Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight 2005
MEAT - Processors sale prices of carcass meat and meat products, 2005
MEAT - Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight 2005
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pig in warm carcass weight 2005
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pigs in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer prices of live sheep 2005
MEAT -Consumer Prices of meat products
MEAT -Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight 2005
MEAT- Consumer prices of
MEAT- Producer pirces of live lambs
MEAT- Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight
MILK - Processors sales prices of milk products
MILK-Average producer price of raw milk, monthly
MILK-Average producer price of raw milk 2005
Milk-Consumer prices of milk products yearly
MILK-Export price of milk 2005
MILK-Export price of milk , monthly
MILK-Export price of milk products , monthly
MILK-Export price of milk products , 2005
MILK-Producer basic price of raw milk, monthly
MILK-Producer basic price of raw milk 2005
MILK-Sale price of milk 2005
MILK-Sale price of milk , monthly
MILK-Sale price of milk products , monthly
Milk05 -Consumer prices of milk products, monthly
POULTRY-Processor sale prices of poultry meat , monthly
POULTRY-Processor sale prices of poultry meat 2005
POULTRY-Producer prices of slaughter poultry 2005
POULTRY-Producer prices of slaughter poultry, monthly
Processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region - monthly
Sale prices of feeding stuff 2005
Sale prices of feeding stuff, monthly
SUNFLOWER-Producer price of sunflower seed 2005
SUNFLOWER-Producer price of sunflower seed, monthly
SUNFLOWER-Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats, monthly
SUNFLOWER-Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats 2005
TOBACCO-Average producer price of tobacco 2005
TOBACCO-Average producer price of tobacco, monthly
Wine- Consumer Prices of table wines
Wine- Consumer prices of table wines , monthly
Yearly processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region
Average producer price of raw milk
Average producer price of raw milk, monthly
Average producer price of tobacco
Average producer price of tobacco, monthly
CEREAL-Consumer prices of the bread in 2007
CEREAL-Consumer prices of the bread, monthly
Cereals - Consumer prices of mill products, monthly
CEREALS - Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin
CEREALS - Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin, monthly
CEREALS - Sale prices of cereals, monthly
CEREALS-Sale prices of cereals
CEREALS-Yearly-consumer prices of mill products (HUF / kg) in 2006
Export price of milk
Export price of milk products
Export price of milk , monthly
Export price of milk products , monthly
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUIT and Vegetable -Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels- monthly
FRUIT and VEGETABLE : Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels, monthly
FRUIT and VEGETABLE : Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels, yearly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest
FRUITS and vegetable- Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels
MEAT - Consumer prices of meat
MEAT - Consumer prices of meat
MEAT - Processors sale prices of carcass meat and meat products
MEAT - Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products
MEAT - Producer pirces of live lambs
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pig in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pigs in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight
MEAT Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight
MEAT- Producer prices of live sheep
Milk -Consumer prices of milk products, monthly
Milk- Processors sales prices of milk products
Milk-Consumer prices of milk products, yearly
POULTRY - Consumer prices of eggs, monthly
Poultry - Consumer Prices of poultry meats, monthly
Poultry- Eggs prices at packaging stations
POULTRY-Consumer prices of eggs-yearly in 2007
Poultry-Consumer Prices of poultry meat - in 2006
Poultry-Eggs prices at packaging stations , monthly
Processor sale prices of poultry meat, monthly
Processor sale prices of poultry meat
Processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region-monthly
Producer price of sunflower seed
Producer price of sunflower seed, monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk
Producer basic price of raw milk, monthly
Producer prices of slaughter poultry
Producer prices of slaughter poultry , monthly
Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats, monthly
Sale price of milk
Sale price of milk, monthly
Sale price of milk products , monthly
Sale prices of feeding stuff
Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats
Sale prices of feeding stuff , monthly
Wine - Consumer prices of table wines, monthly
Wine- Consumer Prices of table wine
Yearly processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region
Average producer price of raw milk , monthly
Average producer price of tobacco - yearly 2007
Average producer price of tobacco , monthly
CEREAL-Consumer prices of the bread in 2007
CEREAL-Consumer prices of the bread monthly
CEREALS - Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat , maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin, monthly
CEREALS - Sale prices of feeding stuff - monthly
CEREALS - Sale prices of cereal products monthly
CEREALS - Sale prices of cereal products yearly
CEREALS - Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin, in 2007
CEREALS-Consumer prices of mill products (HUF / kg) in 2007
CEREALS-Sale prices of feeding stuff - yearly
Consumer prices of mill products, monthly
Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels
Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels- monthly
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest-monthly
FRUIT and VEGETABLE: Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels, monthly
FRUIT and VEGETABLE: Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels, yearly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market of Szeged, monthly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest-monthly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest-monthly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE-Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market of Szeged
MEAT - Producer prices of live lambs-yearly-in 2007
MEAT - Producer prices of live lambs-monthly
MEAT - Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products-yearly
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter heiferes in warm carcass weight -yearly
MEAT -Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products-monthly
MEAT- Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - in 2007
MEAT- Consumer prices of
MEAT- Producer price of slaughter heiferes in warm carcass weight -monthly
MEAT- Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight-monthly
MEAT- Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight -monthly
MEAT- Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight -in 2007
MEAT- Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight -in 2007
MEAT- Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight -monthly
MEAT-Consumer prices of meat products
MILK - Average producer price of raw milk, yearly in 2007
MILK - Producer basic price of raw milk , yearly
Milk -Consumer prices of milk products, monthly
Milk- Consumer prices of milk products yearly
Poultry- Consumer Prices of poultry meats, monthly
POULTRY- Consumer prices of eggs-yearly in 2007
POULTRY- Processor sale prices of poultry meat-monthly
POULTRY-Consumer prices of eggs, monthly
Poultry-Consumer Prices poultry meat-
POULTRY-Eggs price at packaging stations , monthly
POULTRY-Yearly eggs price at packaging stations in 2007
POULTRY-Yearly processor sale prices of poultry meat 2007
Processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region-monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk , monthly
Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed in 2007
Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed- monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight -monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight -yearly
Producer prices of slaughter poultry-monthly
Producer prices of slaughter poultry-2007
Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats in 2007
Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats- monthly
Sale price of fluid milk - monthly
Sale price of fluid milk - yearly
Sale price of milk products - monthly
Sale price of milk products - yearly
Wine- Consumer prices of table wines, monthly
Wine-Consumer Prices
Yearly processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region
Average producer price of raw milk-monthly
Average producer price of tobacco 2008
CEREAL-Consumer prices of the bread (8 budapesti üzletlánc kiválasztott üzleteinek átlagára)-monthly
CEREALS - Sale prices of cereal products yearly 2008
CEREALS - Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin 2008
CEREALS - Sale prices of cereal products monthly
CEREALS -Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) (Datas are not publication which is in the red cell)
CEREALS-Sale prices of feeding stuff - monthly
CEREALS-Sale prices of feeding stuff - yearly in 2008
CEREALS-Yearly-consumer prices of mill products (HUF / kg)
Consumer prices of the bread- yearly
Consumer prices of mill products ( HUF / kg)
Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable products (in 8 trade channels) 2008
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUIT and VEGETABLE: Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in some trade channels, yearly 2008
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest-monthly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE -Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market of Szeged, monthly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE -Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE -Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
MEAT - Producer pirces of live lambs - monthly
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer prices of live lambs
MEAT - Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products- monthly
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter heiferes in warm carcass weight - yearly
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight- monthly
MEAT - Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight -monthly
MEAT -Producer price of slaughter heiferes in warm carcass weight -monthly
MEAT- Consumer Prices of meat products -yearly
MEAT- Consumer Prices of meat products- monthly
MEAT- Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products-yearly
MEAT- Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
MEAT- Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight 2008
MEAT- Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight 2008
MILK - Average producer price of raw milk, yearly
Milk - Consumer prices of milk products yearly
Milk -Consumer prices of milk products-monthly
MILK-Sale price of milk - yearly
MILK-Sale price of milk - monthly
POULTRY - Processor sale prices of poultry meat
Poultry - Producer prices of slaughter poultry-monthly
POULTRY - Yearly processor sale prices of poultry meat 2008
POULTRY- Yearly eggs price at packaging stations
POULTRY-Consumer prices of eggs (8 budapesti üzletlánc kiválasztott üzleteinek átlagára)
POULTRY-Consumer prices of eggs-yearly 2008
Poultry-Consumer Prices of poultry meat (8 budapesti üzletlánc kiválasztott üzleteinek átlagára)
Poultry-Consumer Prices poultry meat 2008
POULTRY-Eggs price at packaging stations - monthly
Poultry-Producer prices of slaughter poultry 2008
Processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region- monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk- yearly-2008
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight 2008
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight 2008
RAPES-Sale prices of rape oil and groats (Datas are not publication which is in the red box)(Az árfigyelés 2008. júliusától indult)
Sale price of milk products - yearly 2008
Sale price of milk products-monthly (Datas are not publication which is in the red box)
Sunflower - Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed (red cells datas have been forced)
Sunflower - Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed in 2008
Sunflower - Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats (Datas are not publication which is in the red cell)
Sunflower - Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats in 2008
TOBACCO- Average producer price of tobacco - monthly
WINE - Yearly processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region
Average producer price of raw milk -monthly
CEREALS - Sale prices of cereal products yearly
CEREALS - Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) (Datas are not publication which is in the red cell)
CEREALS - Producer prices of various types of cereals (wheat, maize, rye feed barley) by regions of origin ( Datas are not publication which is in the red box)
CEREALS - Sale prices of feeding stuff - monthly
CEREALS - Sale prices of cereal products monthly
CEREALS-Sale prices of feeding stuff - yearly
Export Price of raw milk -monthly
Export Price of raw milk-yearly
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE- Most frequent prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE -Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE - Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the consumer market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE -Most frequent monthly prices of Hungarian fruit products in the whole-sale market of Szeged
FRUITS AND VEGETABLE -Most frequent prices of Hungarian vegetable products in the whole-sale market of Szeged, monthly
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
MEAT - Producer price of slaughter heiferes in warm carcass weight - monthly
MEAT - Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
MEAT -Producer price of slaughter heiferes in warm carcass weight - yearly
MEAT -Producer prices of live lambs
MEAT- Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products- monthly
MEAT- Producer pirces of live lambs- monthly
MEAT- Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight
MEAT- Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
MEAT- Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight
MEAT-Processors sales price of carcass meat and meat products-yearly
MILK - Average producer price of raw milk , yearly
MILK -Sale price of milk - monthly
MILK- Sale price of milk - yearly
POULTRY - Processor sale prices of poultry meat monthly
Poultry -Producer prices of slaughter poultry-monthly
POULTRY -Yearly processor sale prices of poultry meat
POULTRY- Eggs prices at packaging stations
POULTRY- Eggs prices at packaging stations- monthly
Poultry-Producer prices of slaughter poultry
Processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region- monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk -monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight in 2009
RAPES-Sale prices of rape oil and groats (Datas are not publication which is in the red box )
RAPES-Sale prices of rape oil and groats (Datas are not publication which is in the red box)
Sale price of milk products -yearly (Datas are not publication which is in the red cell )
Sale price of milk products-monthly ( Datas are not publication which is in the red box)
Sunflower - Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed
Sunflower -Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed
Sunflower -Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats
Sunflower -Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats (Datas are not publication which is in the red cell )
TOBACCO - Average producer price of tobacco - monthly
TOBACCO-Average producer price of tobacco
WINE - Yearly processors sale prices of wine produced in Hungary and in the Danube wine region
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Sale price of feed - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Processors' sales price of carcass meat and meat products - monthly
Processors' sales price of carcass meat and meat products - yearly
Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats -yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) -monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors' sale price of wine - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Producer price of cereals (wheat, maize, barley, oat, rye) (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Consumer prices of Hungarian fruit and vegetable products in 8 trade channels
Consumer prices of imported fruit and vegetable products in 8 trade channels
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Processors' sales price of carcass meat and meat products - monthly
Processors' sales price of carcass meat and meat products - yearly
Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats -yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) -monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors' sale price of wine - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Producer price of cereals (wheat, maize, barley, oat, rye) (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Processors' sales price of carcass meat and meat products - monthly
Processors' sales price of carcass meat and meat products - yearly
Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats -yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) -monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors' sale price of wine - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Processors' sales price of carcass meat and meat products - yearly
Processors' sales price of pig carcass meat and meat products - monthly
Producer price of slaughter heifers in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats -yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) -monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - monthly
rocessors' sale price of wine - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Producer price of cereals
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published)
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Processors' sales price of meat
Processors' sales price of meat - monthly
Producer price of live lambs
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight -
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Export price of raw milk
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) -monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published)
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Processors' sales price of meat - yearly
Processors' sales price of meat - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) -monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Fővám square in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Processors' sales price of meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - éves
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products -yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) -monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary, and in the Danube wine region - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt gyümölcsök havi felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt gyümölcsök heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék havi felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék szerződött mennyisége, területe és szerződéses ára
Processors' sales price of meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Average producer price of raw milk- yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Sale price of feed (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt gyümölcsök havi felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt gyümölcsök heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék havi felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék szerződött mennyisége, területe és szerződéses ára
Feldolgozott gyümölcsök havi belföldi értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott gyümölcsök havi export értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott gyümölcsök heti belföldi értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott gyümölcsök heti export értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott zöldségfélék havi belföldi értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott zöldségfélék havi export értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott zöldségfélék heti belföldi értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott zöldségfélék heti export értékesítési ára
Processors' sales price of meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Average producer price of raw milk- yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - yearly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals
Producer price of cereals - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
Sale price of feed - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Belföldi eredetű ipari alma heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari bodza heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék szerződött mennyisége, területe és szerződéses ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari meggy heti felvásárlási ára
Feldolgozott gyümölcsök havi belföldi értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott gyümölcsök havi export értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott zöldségfélék havi belföldi értékesítési ára
Feldolgozott zöldségfélék havi export értékesítési ára
Industrial fruit monthly buying price
Industrial fruit yearly buying price
Industrial vegetable monthly buying price
Industrial vegetable yearly buying price
Processors' sales price of meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk- monthly
Average producer price of raw milk- yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products - monthly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products - yearly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of soybean - monthly
Producer price of soybean - yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Producer price of cereals
Producer price of cereals - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
Sale price of feed - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Belföldi eredetű ipari alma heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari bodza heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék szerződött mennyisége, területe és szerződéses ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari meggy heti felvásárlási ára
Industrial fruit monthly buying price
Industrial fruit yearly buying price
Industrial vegetable monthly buying price
Industrial vegetable yearly buying price
Processed fruits and vegetable monthly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly export prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly monthly prices
Processors' sales price of meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk- yearly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of soybean - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Producer price of tobacco - monthly
Producer price of tobacco - yearly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Buying price of flour
Buying price of flour - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals - monthly (without VAT and transportation costs)
Producer price of cereals - yearly (without VAT and transportation costs)
Retail buying price of flour - monthly
Sale price of feed - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of apple and tomatoes
Belföldi eredetű ipari alma heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari bodza heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék szerződött mennyisége, területe és szerződéses ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari meggy heti felvásárlási ára
Industrial fruit monthly buying price
Industrial fruit yearly buying price
Industrial vegetable monthly buying price
Industrial vegetable yearly buying price
Processed fruits and vegetable monthly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly export prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly monthly prices
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat
Average producer price of raw milk - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of trappista cheese
The monthly retail buying price of 1,5% UHT milk
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets -monthly
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets -yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- monthly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- yearly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- monthly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- yearly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of sunflower oil
Cage eggs price at packaging stations - yearly
Cage-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Retail monthly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Buying price of flour
Buying price of flour - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals - yearly (without VAT and transportation costs)
Producer price of cereals – monthly
Producer price of sorghum– monthly
Producer price of sorghum– yearly
Retail buying price of flour - yearly
Sale price of feed - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of flour
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market on Vámház boulevard in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Retail buying price of apple and tomatoes - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of apple and tomatoes
Belföldi eredetű ipari alma heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari bodza heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari feldolgozásra szánt zöldségfélék szerződött mennyisége, területe és szerződéses ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari meggy heti felvásárlási ára
Industrial fruit monthly buying price
Industrial fruit yearly buying price
Industrial vegetable monthly buying price
Industrial vegetable yearly buying price
Processed fruits and vegetable monthly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly export prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly monthly prices
Buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat - yearly
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat
Average producer price of raw milk - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Retail buying price of trappista cheese - yearly
Retail buying price of 1,5% UHT milk - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of trappista cheese
The monthly retail buying price of 1,5% UHT milk
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets -monthly
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets -yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
Retail buying price of sunflower oil - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of sunflower oil
Cage eggs price at packaging stations - yearly
Cage-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Deep litter-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Deep litter-egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Retail monthly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Retail yearly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Buying price of flour
Buying price of flour - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals - monthly (without VAT and transportation costs)
Producer price of cereals - yearly (without VAT and transportation costs)
Producer price of sorghum– monthly
Producer price of sorghum– yearly
Sale price of feed - monthly
Sale price of feed - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of flour
The yearly retail buying price of flour
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Retail buying price of apple and tomatoes - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of apple and tomatoes
Belföldi eredetű ipari alma heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari bodza heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari meggy heti felvásárlási ára
Industrial fruit monthly buying price
Industrial fruit yearly buying price
Industrial vegetable monthly buying price
Industrial vegetable yearly buying price
Processed fruits and vegetable monthly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly export prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly monthly prices
Buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat - yearly
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat
Average producer price of raw milk - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
Retail buying price of trappista cheese - yearly
Retail buying price of UHT milk - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of trappista cheese
The monthly retail buying price of UHT milk
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets -monthly
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets -yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of sunflower oil
The yearly retail buying price of sunflower oil
Cage eggs price at packaging stations - yearly
Cage-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Deep litter-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Deep litter-egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Retail monthly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Retail yearly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Processors' sale price of cereal products - yearly
Producer price of cereals - monthly (without VAT and transportation costs)
Producer price of cereals (without VAT and transportation costs) - yearly
Producer price of sorghum - yearly
Producer price of sorghum– monthly
The monthly retail buying price of bread
The monthly retail buying price of flour
The retail buying price of bread- yearly
The retail buying price of flour - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - yearly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of apple and tomatoes
The retail buying price of apple and tomatoes - yearly
Belföldi eredetű ipari alma heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari bodza heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari meggy heti felvásárlási ára
Industrial fruit monthly buying price
Industrial fruit yearly buying price
Industrial vegetable monthly buying price
Industrial vegetable yearly buying price
Processed fruits and vegetable monthly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly domestic prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly export prices
Processed fruits and vegetable yearly monthly prices
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - monthly
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - yearly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - yearly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- yearly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - yearly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - yearly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat
The retail buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat - yearly
Average producer price of raw milk - monthly
Average producer price of raw milk - yearly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - yearly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of trappista cheese
The monthly retail buying price of UHT milk
The retail buying price of trappista cheese - yearly
The retail buying price of UHT milk - yearly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary - yearly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - yearly
The monthly retail buying price of sunflower oil
The retail buying price of sunflower oil - yearly
Cage-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Cage-egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Deep litter-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Deep litter-egg price at packaging stations - yearly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - monthly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - yearly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Producer price of poultry - yearly
Retail monthly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Retail yearly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - yearly
The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
ARCHIVE 2008 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Az intervenciós gabonakészlet veszteségkezelési eljárása során alkalmazható ár 2008-ban (heti frissítés szerda 16 óráig) Az árak alapját képező megállapodás megtekinthető:
ARCHIVE 2009 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Az intervenciós gabonakészlet veszteségkezelési eljárása során alkalmazható ár 2009-ben (Az árak alapját képező megállapodás megtekinthető: weboldalon)
ARCHIVE 2010 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Az intervenciós gabonakészlet veszteségkezelési eljárása során alkalmazható ár 2010-ben (Az árak alapját képező megállapodás megtekinthető: weboldalon)
ARCHIVE 2011 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Az intervenciós gabonakészlet veszteségkezelési eljárása során alkalmazható ár 2011-ben (Az árak alapját képező megállapodás megtekinthető: weboldalon)
ARCHIVE 2012 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2012
ARCHIVE 2013 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2013
ARCHIVE 2023 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2023
ARCHIVE 2024 The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2024
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2014
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2014
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2015
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2015
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2016
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2016
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2017
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2017
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2018
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2018
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2019
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2019
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2022
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2022
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2020
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2020
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2021
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2021
International prices
Fruit and vegetable
Fruit and vegetable prices on some wholsale markets in Europe
Weekly producer price of slaughter pigs in some EU member states
Spot price of raw milk in Italy and the Netherlands
Wholesale milk and dairy prices in the EU
Wholesale price of dairy in Oceania
Bulk wine without geographical indication in some EU member states (HUF/hl)
Buying price of flour
Processors' sale price of cereal products - monthly
Producer price of cereals - monthly (without VAT and transportation costs)
Producer price of sorghum– monthly
Sale price of feed - monthly
The monthly retail buying price of flour
Domestic apple, tomatoes and peach monthly buying price
Most frequent price of fruit in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of fruit in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the consumer market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market of Szeged - monthly
Most frequent price of vegetable in the wholesale market on Nagykőrösi street in Budapest - monthly
The monthly retail buying price of apple and tomatoes
Processors' sales price of pig meat and minced meat - monthly
Producer price of live lambs - monthly
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight- monthly
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight - monthly
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight - monthly
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight - monthly
The monthly retail buying price of pig meat and minced pig meat
Average producer price of raw milk - monthly
Export price of raw milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk - monthly
Processors' sale price of milk products - monthly
Producer basic price of raw milk - monthly
The monthly retail buying price of trappista cheese
The monthly retail buying price of UHT milk
Import price of soybean, soybean meal and soybean oil for different delivery dates- monthly
Processors' sale price of rape oil and groats - monthly
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary- monthly
Processors' sale price of sunflower oil and groats - monthly
Producer price of soybean in Hungary- monthly
Producer price of sunflowerseed and rapeseed - monthly
The monthly retail buying price of sunflower oil
Cage-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Deep litter-egg price at packaging stations - monthly
Processors' sale price of fresh poultry meat - monthly
Producer price of poultry - monthly
Retail monthly buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
Processors sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Processors' sale export prices of wine produced in Hungary - monthly
Cereals Prices of Stock Exchange (up-dates every week to Wednesday)
Buying price of flour (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25-th of the next month)
Cereals (wheat, corn, feeding barley) weekly up-dates, to Wednesday
Processors sale price of flour (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25-th of the next month)
The monthly retail buying price of wheatflour (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25-th of the next month) (from April 2023)
The monthly retail buying price of wheatflour (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25-th of the next month) (until March 2023)
Domestic apple, tomatoes and peach buying price
Domestic net producer prices with actual VAT of fruit products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street (deadline of the data supply: Wednesday no later than noon)
Net producer prices of domestic champignon from 18th week with actual VAT on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street (deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon )
Net producer prices with actual VAT of domestic vegetable products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street (deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon ) (from 28 august 2017)
Net producer prices with actual VAT of domestic vegetable products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street (deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon ) (until 24 august 2017)
The buying price of industrial apple (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25-th of the next month)
The buying price of industrial apple in 2021 (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25-th of the next month)
The retail buying price of apple and tomatoes (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Wholesale prices with actual VAT of bananas on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
A vágótehén vágóhídi belépési ára hasított hideg súlyban 2021. 1. héttől (heti frissítés, brüsszeli adatszolgáltatás határideje: szerda dél)
Piglet price (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels : Wednesday no later than noon)
Producer prices of light and heavy lamb (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Producer prices of light lamb (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Retail buying price of minced pig meat (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Sale price of pork pieces and minced pork meat (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than afternoon)
Slaughter gate price of slaughter pigs in cold carcass weight from (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Slaughter gate price of slaughter pigs in cold carcass weight from 1st week of 2021 (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Slaughterhouse gate price of slaughter cow in cold carcass weight (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than afternoon)
Slaughterhouse gate price of slaughter heifers in cold carcass weight (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than afternoon)
Slaughterhouse gate price of slaughter heifers in cold carcass weight from 1st week of 2021 (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than afternoon)
Slaughterhouse gate price of young bulls in cold carcass weight (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than afternoon)
Slaughterhouse gate price of young bulls in cold carcass weight from 1st week of 2021 (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than afternoon)
Processors sale price of milk products (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday 12 o'clock) (until the 52th week of 2017.)
Processors sale price of milk products (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday 12 o'clock) (2018. 1. hetétől)
Processors sale price of trappista cheese (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 15-th of the next month)
Processors sale prices of butter (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Producer price of raw milk (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25-th of the next month)
Producer price of raw milk (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: last day of the next month) (until February 2017)
The retail buying price of trappista cheese (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon) (from the 16th week of 2023)
The retail buying price of trappista cheese (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon) (until the 13. week of 2023)
Wholesale price of milk (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday 12 o'clock)
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: 25th of the next month)
Producer price of oilseeds (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Producer prices of sunflower and rapeseed until 2020
Sale prices of vegetable oils and their derivatives (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)(Datas are not publication which is in the red box)
Cage eggs prices of packaging stations 23rd week of 2019 (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Deep-litter eggs prices of packaging stations util 22nd week of 2019 (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Eggs prices of packaging stations util 22nd week of 2019 (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Retail buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Sale prices of processors (grillfertig) util 2020
Sale prices of processors (weekly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels: Wednesday no later than noon)
Producer prices (monthly up-dates, deadline of the data supply to Brussels, next month to 15th.)
Processors sale prices of table wine in the Danube wine region until june 2017
Processors wholesale prices of wine (monthly deadline of the data supply to Brussels: no later than 15th of the month) from january 2018
Processors wholesale prices of wine (monthly deadline of the data supply to Brussels: no later than 15th of the month) from july 2017
The price to be applied in the case of intervention loss of grain in 2025
Price to be applied for the loss management procedure of intervention grain 2025
1. Poultry and egg
Cage eggs prices at packaging stations
Deep-litter eggs prices at packaging stations
Gross most frequent prices for eggs on wholesale and consumer markets
Processor sale prices of chicken meat until 2020
Processor sale prices of fresh chicken meat
Processor sale prices of fresh turkey meat
Producer prices of slaughter chicken
Producer prices of slaughter turkey
Retail buying price of 65% grillfertig whole chicken and chickenbreast fillet
2. Wine
Processors DOMESTIC sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary
Processors DOMESTIC sale prices of domestic wine produced in Hungary
Processors EXPORT sale price of exported wine produced in Hungary
3. Tobacco
Producer prices of tobacco
4. Cereals
Buying price of flour
Cereals (wheat, maize, barley, oat, rye) producer prices without WAT and transport costs
Processors' sale price of cereal products
Processors' sale price of cereal products until 2020
Sale prices of feeding stuff
The monthly retail buying price of wheatflour (from the 16th week of 2023)
The monthly retail buying price of wheatflour (until the 13th week of 2023)
The weekly retail buying price of bread
5. Meat
Piglet prices on the live animal market
Producer price of slaugheter heiferes in warm carcass weight
Producer price of slaughter cows in warm carcass weight
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in live weight
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight
Producer price of slaughter pig from domestic production in warm carcass weight
Producer price of young bulls in warm carcass weight
Producer prices of live lamb
Retail buying price of pig meat and minced meat
Sale prices of pork
Sale prices of pork from the 1st week of 2021
Slaughterhouse entry price of slaughter pig from import in warm carcass weight
6. Oilseeds and protein crops
Processors' sale price of alfalfa meal and pellets
Processors' sale price of soybean and soybean products in Hungary
Producer price of soybean in Hungary
Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed
Producer price of sunflower and rapeseed until 2020
Sale prices of rape oil and groats
Sale prices of sunflower oil and groats
The retail buying price of sunflower oil (from 16th week of 2023)
The retail buying price of sunflower oil (until the 13th week of 2023)
7. Milk
Average producer price of raw milk
Export price of raw milk
Processors' sale price of milk products
Producer basic price of raw milk
The retail buying price of trappista cheese (from 15th week of 2023)
The retail buying price of trappista cheese until (until the 13th week of 2023)
The retail buying price of UHT milk (from 15th week of 2023)
The retail buying price of 1,5% UHT milk (until the 13th week of 2023)
Wholesale price of milk
8. Fruit and vegetable
Retail markets in Budapest
Consumer prices of imported fruit products on markets in Budapest
Consumer prices of imported vegetable products on markets in Budapest
Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit products on markets in Budapest
Consumer prices of the Hungarian vegetable products on markets in Budapest
Retail markets in country towns
until 4th week of 2019
Consumer prices of imported fruit products in the country towns markets
Consumer prices of imported vegetable products in the country towns markets
Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit products in the country towns markets
Consumer prices of the Hungarian vegetable products in the country towns markets
Consumer prices of imported fruit products in the country towns markets
Consumer prices of imported vegetable products in the country towns markets
Consumer prices of the Hungarian fruit products in the country towns markets
Consumer prices of the Hungarian vegetable products in the country towns markets
Wholesail market in Budapest
Daily prices
Daily wholesale prices of imported fruit products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Daily wholesale prices of the imported vegetable products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Gross producer daily prices of the Hungarian fruit products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Gross producer daily prices of the Hungarian vegetable products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Weekly prices
Gross producer prices of the Hungarian fruit products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Gross producer prices of the Hungarian vegetable products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Wholesale prices of imported fruit products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Wholesale prices of the imported vegetable products on the Wholesale Market of Nagykőrösi Street
Wholesale markets in country towns
until 4th week of 2019
Gross producer prices of the Hungarian fruit products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Gross producer prices of the Hungarian vegetable products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Wholesale prices of imported fruit products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Wholesale prices of imported vegetable products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Gross producer prices of the Hungarian fruit products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Gross producer prices of the Hungarian vegetable products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Wholesale prices of imported fruit products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Wholesale prices of imported vegetable products on the wholesale markets in country towns
Domestic apple, tomatoes and peach buying price
Retail buying price of apple and tomatoes
9. Industrial Fruit and Vegetable
Belföldi eredetű ipari alma heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari bodza heti felvásárlási ára
Belföldi eredetű ipari meggy heti felvásárlási ára
Industrial vegetable monthly buying price
Processed fruits and vegetables monthly DOMESTIC sale prices
Processed fruits and vegetables monthly EXPORT sale prices
Producer price of cereals (The individual data in red cells cannot be published) - monthly
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